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About me

My story

After a big upheaval a few years ago, I asked myself whether I was living the life I would live if I had no fears and there were no restrictions for me. And my frankly shocking answer was: no, not really.


When I separated after a 10-year relationship, not only was my partner gone, but also my entire vision for the future. Yes, even my future children. Everything was planned and I never expected that it wouldn't turn out that way.


With this change I understood that nothing in life is infinite. No matter how much we plan things, life is influenced by external impulses and plans are dissolved.


But it is precisely this finiteness that is so important. Without finitude there would be no opportunities to grow, unlearn and relearn.


I took a journey into my inner world.


I started to question everything I knew so far. Something inside me was burning to dig deeper. With the help of TheatHealing, coaching, connections and a lot of self-love and patience, I removed opinions, principles and beliefs that did not belong to me. This is how Alessia came out, which was always there somewhere, but was unfortunately difficult to recognize because of all the protective layers it had acquired.


I understood for myself that it is never too late to become what I really am.


I am grateful for the opportunity that life has given me. I have learned to trust myself more and listen to my gut feeling more. I have learned to allow myself to think bigger.


We ourselves create most of our limitations; they exist in our heads because our minds try to protect us from what we believe to be failures. Maybe that was necessary up to a certain point in order to stay safe. But when we choose growth and still embrace what is scary, so much more becomes possible than we have previously allowed ourselves to believe. From the moment we are born we collect experiences, and these experiences shape our being and influence our decisions.


It's not about no longer feeling fear. It's about being brave despite fears and insecurities and daring to do things you didn't think you could do before. Accepting the support that helps us deal with this and break certain patterns.


My development would not have been possible without the people around me who supported me during my metamorphosis. On my way to the frequency of the dragonfly.


We don't have to manage our lives alone. Just because you accept help doesn't mean you need help. But it makes life easier and more beautiful.


And I want to be that relief for you.

After a major upheaval a few years ago, I asked myself whether I was living the life I would be living if I had no fears and there were no restrictions on me. And my honestly frightening answer was no, not really.


When I broke up after 10 years in a relationship, it wasn't just my partner who was gone, but my entire vision for the future. Yes, even my future children. Everything was planned and I never thought it wouldn't turn out like this.


This upheaval made me realize that nothing in life is infinite. No matter how much we plan things, life is influenced by external impulses and plans are dissolved.

But it is precisely this finiteness that is so important. Without finiteness, there would be no opportunities to grow, unlearn and relearn.  


I took a trip to my inner world. 


I started to question everything I had known up until then. Something inside me was burning to dig deeper. With the help of TheatHealing, coaching, connections and a lot of self-love and patience, I removed opinions, principles and beliefs that didn't belong to me. This brought out the Alessia that had always been there somewhere but was unfortunately difficult to recognize due to all the layers of protection I had acquired. 


I realized for myself that it is never too late to become who I really am. 


I am grateful for the opportunity that life has given me. I have learned to trust myself more and to listen more to my gut feeling. I have learned to allow myself to think bigger. 

We create most of our limitations ourselves, they exist in our heads because our minds try to protect us from what we believe is failure. Maybe up until a certain point this was necessary to stay safe. But if we choose to grow and still embrace the scary, so much more becomes possible than we previously allowed ourselves to believe. From the moment we are born, we gain experiences, and these experiences shape our nature, they guide our decisions.


It is not about no longer feeling fear. It's about being courageous despite our fears and insecurities and daring to do things that we didn't think we could do before. Accepting the support that helps us to deal with such things and break certain patterns. 


My transformation would not have been possible without the people around me who supported me during my metamorphosis. On my way to the dragonfly frequency.


We don't have to do life alone. Just because you accept help doesn't mean you need help. But it does make life easier and more beautiful.


And I want to be that relief for you. 

Portrait von Alessia, umgeben von der Natur in Portugal
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